About Us
Sir William Russell Flint
P.R.A., P.R.W.S., R.S.W., R.O.I., R.E.
For almost thirty years, www.russellflint.com has been
dealing in fine original works of art by renowned
British artists.
We have gained an invaluable amount of knowledge
in that time, which we can hopefully pass on to our
Having started from a small shop outside Nottingham,
(the rent was twenty pounds a week...!).
We sold a general selection of art and offered a
picture framing service.
The frames at that time were all cut by hand and
left in clamps overnight to set,
very different from the electronic machinery we use today.
As the business expanded and we gained more knowledge
of the art world
and it's most highly regarded artists, we relocated to a
gallery in the city.
This became a launching point, resulting in many
exhibitions featuring some of the
country's finest artists in attendance, David Shepherd,
Gordon King.
The final transition was into a large gallery
in the city centre of Nottingham.
This proved to be a tremendous
success, as we were able to offer a wide variety of fine
quality investment work, that is usually only available
in London.

Some of the stock in our Studio.
Customer service has always been of utmost importance.
We eventually sold the gallery to one of the country's leading publishing companies, who wished to have a 'flagship' gallery in the UK.
This gave us an excellent opportunity to offer via the internet, a service to both the trade and retail
where one could purchase original paintings and signed, limited edition prints by the most sought after artists at excellent prices.
We are considered experts in the work of:- Sir William Russell Flint.
Holding large stocks of his limited edition prints and paintings, and supplying clients throughout the UK, and also worldwide.
Clients can be assured in the knowledge that the work we purchase and sell is of the best possible condition
and we personally guarantee the authenticity and condition of all the work for sale.
If you wish to visit the studio, please call us, or we can always arrange a viewing in your area.
For over 30 years the paintings and prints by Sir William Russell Flint view here have been our speciality
500 limited edition prints, personally signed and unsigned editions after his death; A wonderful collection original watercolour paintings and drawings, are also for sale.
In the heart of the French countryside, near the beautiful towns of Brantome and St. Jean du Cole lies La Chabroulie, Holiday house to let in Dordogne France view.
Limited edition prints, in particular the signed, limited edition prints (ie. pre 1969) were in enormous demand at the date of publication,
the entire edition would often be sold out within several hours of the prints being released.
Unlike books, a 'second' edition of these prints is never produced, and apart from the original painting these prints are the only original hand signed, limited editions
that have over the years become very collectable and sought after artworks, some of which are almost one hundred years old.
A master of watercolour painting, Sir William Russell Flint's work enjoys the recognition amongst the finest and most experienced art of our time.
Please see a collection of work by some of the world's finestartists:- wildlife paintings of David Shepherd.
His signed prints and paintings are a amazing portrayal not only of the animals he paints, but of the atmosphere and landscapes throughout the world.
The work of one incredibly talented artist, who painted the working lives of everdayday people in the 1960s is now of the geatest importance to both art collectors and and financial investors.
The signed prints of L.S.Lowry have been increasing in value on a regular basis and his work according to recent studies, is now more sought
after and of greater investment value than many modern British artists.