Portrait of a young lady

Sir William Russell Flint

P.R.A., P.R.W.S., R.S.W., R.O.I., R.E.

original, drawing, red chalk, portrait of a young lady, sir william russell flint

'Portrait of a young lady'
Original drawing, red chalk
Image size 8" X 10"
Price:- £1,975

A rather charming original red chalk drawing of a lady sitting quite pensively, presumably for the drawing.
Her long flowing dress and hat give a clue as to the date.
For an original work by Sir William Russell Flint, this drawing is remarkably well priced,
and one would hope it will prove to be a great investment.
Russell Flint always enjoyed drawing on the finest handmade paper, and he would often purchase books of the same that had not been printed.

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